Go Green Smoothie

A man holds a green smoothie in a cup with a lid and straw

Go Green Smoothie

This recipe is courtesy of Chef Kenny’s upcoming new book “Everyday Smoothies,” coming April 2022!

Are you someone that's always on the go and can't find the time to cook a proper breakfast or lunch? Smoothies take the thinking out of “what to eat.” The goal to staying consistent in your eating habits is to automate the food you eat. I know automating your meals doesn’t sound sexy, but trust me, the benefits sure are!

MAKES: 2 Servings

PREP TIME: 5 Minutes

COOK TIME: 5 Minutes


  • 1 cup organic unsweetened vanilla almond or hemp milk

  • 2 cups kale or spinach 

  • 2 tbsp. wheatgrass powder 

  • 1 frozen banana 

  • 1/2 tbsp. chopped turmeric 

  • 1 scoop plant-based vanilla whey protein 


Combine all the ingredients into a blender, blend until smooth. Pour into a tall glass or insulated travel cup for on the go nutrition! 


For an extra boost of joint health, add 1 tablespoon of liquid fish oil – it’s loaded with Omega-3’s. This amounts to about 3g or (4) 750mg capsules per day.